About Me | Faith Lived Out
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All About Me

The Lord grabbed a hold of my heart when I was in high school. Thankfully, He is faithful even when I am not, and He has never let go. This was an important time in my life, as it is with many young people because it’s the time when you start to define what you want in a spouse and choose who you will spend the rest of your life with. 


For me, this was one of the first times I sought God’s Word for direction and allowed Him to guide me in my decision. Following His commandment to not be unequally yoked and prayerfully seeking His will in this decision has certainly shaped my life and given me one of the most precious blessings I could ever imagine. My husband Andy and I have been married for nearly 40 years. We have 3 wonderful children and 7 fabulous grandchildren, all of which are an immense joy to us every day. 


As I see my family interact with each other, I am forever thankful for the precious love we share with one another. I’m also reminded of how different life could have been if I had not sought the Lord first. Because the blessing I have treasured and enjoyed in my home was not the reality of my childhood home.


Over the years, God has allowed me the privilege to share His truth as a bible study teacher, speaker, and women’s ministry leader. It has been a true joy to watch women grow in the Lord and to encourage them to step out of their comfort zones and be used by God in new ways.


Through the various trials of my life, from family issues, financial struggles, and losing a brother to cancer at a young age. I’ve learned to put my faith in the Lord and to trust Him for the outcome, whatever that might be. By knowing His Word, following His precepts, and allowing Him to guide me in making decisions, He is shaping my life and leading me where He wants me to go. This is faith lived out. 


Doing this has led me here - with you. To share with you all that God has for you in His precious Word. His precepts, His wisdom, His love for you, His mercy, and His promises. That we may grow in Him together as sisters in Christ and allow Him to guide us in this amazing adventure called life.



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